miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

My anecdote

Excursion to Hill Ajusco

I remember when I was fourteen years old and I had finished junior high school I went with my brother minor and his companions to an excursion on the hill Ajusco where we will climb it. Some parents went too. We leaved home about nine o’clock on morning and we arrived to foot of the hill at ten o’clock, there the guide said us we would take around five hours to return.

We began to walk on the forest first. We were emotional that we were running but after a moment many boys and adults were tired, and it was cold and the parents who come decided to return and to leave us so we continued walking for many hours.

The way was very hard because was inclined and a little dangerous and each time it was more cold; until that we arrived near the top to the place called “el pico del aguila”; It is the highest area of the hill and the most inclined of the hill but we didn`t go up it because was very dangerous and it was 5 pm so we decided go down.

But the guide didn`t known the hill very well so we began searching a good way for go down because the way on that came up was difficult for go down; after we found a way and started down but the walk was very difficult too. In some parts we had to drag and to slide, hanging on the plants or the ground.

It was like a way without end; for many ours we were going down; we felt that we were lost and it was raining, there was fog and it was getting dark also sometimes we fell.
Until we finally arrived at forest again and after to road, it was more than 9 pm and we was very tired, then took a taxi to home where our parents waiting worried.

1 comentario:

  1. Nice story!
    I wish you had done more editing, though. Some errors you made:
    "my brother minor" = my younger brother
    "his companions" = his classmates
    "where will climb it" = which we would climb
    "nine o'clock on morning" = nine o'clock in the morning
    "the guide said us" = the guide told us/said to us

    Your grade: 15/20
