sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

My ideal person

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The ideal people

For me the ideal person is a woman who has good feelings and practices her human values correctly, moreover she is at peace with herself.

Her actions have to be coherent with her words and her way of thinking, she must be authentic and follow her convictions, it shouldn’t matter to her what the rest of the people say but she should listen to criticism and accept her mistakes and after try to correct them.

She should be modest, sincere, nice, kind and friendly. She must know how to listen to people and to behave naturally; moreover she must be intelligent, sociable and happy.

She shouldn`t be vain and angry and she shouldn’t discriminate to people, she must respect nature and she shouldn’t have any addiction. She doesn’t have to be rich and study a career

My ideal people loves her family, she likes soccer and to listen to different type of music, has good sense of humor and has a gentle smile.

Galindez Vergara Jose David